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Film London

Worth a Second look

London’s newly established Film office wanted a campaign to bring Toronto film houses to London for location shoots. Blue Aardvark came up with a campaign sure to attract a second look, by playing off of great films and their iconic posters – just enough that those in-the-know, will know. We gave them offer they couldn’t refuse.    

A poster that invokes the appearance of the original GodFather poster. All black with the text: Save Money on Shoots. Film in London, ON an offer you can't refuse. Worth a second look. With the Film London logo and the tag line, One Stop. For Reel.
A poster that invokes the appearance of the original Shining Poster. Bright yellow with the text: The Setting. Fresh venues for filming. Don't Overlook, London, ON. Worth a second look. With the Film London logo and the tag line, One Stop. For Reel.
A poster that invokes the appearance of the original Fargo poster. Red embroidered looking headline that reads: Not Far to go. Less than 90 minutes from the Toronto and Hamilton Area. Not far for filmin' Darn tootin'. Worth a second look. With the Film London logo and the tag line, One Stop. For Reel.

Project: OOH Film London “Worth a Second Look” Campaign

Responsibilities: Concept | Copy writing | Design | Production

The campaign gained traction with creative industry mentions in Strategy Online and Playback, as well as getting some buzz at the TIFF 2022.

Catchy headlines that announce the benefits of filming in London, while invoking the cinematic greats – with geeky film references built in. They’ll love London, they’ll really love, London.  

Save money on shoots poster on a billboard in Toronto near the film district
Save money on Shoots poster in the subway near the film district
Photo of the Setting Poster on a billboard in Toronto
The Setting poster in a TTC station near the film district

Thank you to Kristin Arntfield of Pattison Outdoor Advertising for permission to use Pattison’s photos of the campaign in the wild. 

A film London ad in Playback Magazine
A film London Ad in Playback Magazine.

Smaller creative for online and print publications.